Purchased oblong and square coloured packs and small ovenware pack, loving them, have now added large oven cookware. A happy customer, can get rid of all of my outdated containers and do not need to be searching for containers in over stacked cupboards.
What is the signature set and what is the flat stacks pack? I thought there would be something different. I thought the ovenware set was for the oven but then your ad said the ovenware set had hard lids and mine has soft lids and I don't have an air fryer so disappointed for the amount of money I spent.
My order finally arrived yesterday after being held up by all the flooding within far north queensland. Very happy with it and hopefully will be ordering more very soon
Absolutely love mine! Cleared out my old container draw and these flatstackers only take up a third of the space. They contain the food well too. Can not wait to order me some more